Another typical afternoon of browsing through bikes on Craigslist, I see a post for a Raleigh Mixte. Had this been available 6 months ago, I think I may have jumped on it and made my own updates. The differences between Oiseau and this bike are great, but the similarities were enough to make me stop and do a double take. Here are their photos:
The Blue Raleigh vs. The Green Soma:
single speed - 9 speeds
straight bars - moustache bars
Nitto stem - Velo-Orange stem
squishy black seat - Brooks saddle
How interesting are those photos? I suppose it's not that uncanny to want to design your bike that way— mixte frame, wood fenders, simple Pletscher rack, The End. I do like their custom made wood attachment from the rack to the frame. Still, I'll be a total dork and say mine is better...
Man, it's getting more crispy cold in Chicago each day. Time to invest in some merino wool for those rides. Now my mind is recessing into the design I have for a "poor weather - gravel road riding" bike… Surly frame, repainted Pantone 424C, Delta Schawlbe tires in creme, and I could go on and on. It's a sickness, but I'm okay with that.
currently listening to: the new Built to Spill