Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wedding Smedding

I've been having a hard time getting inspired to create wedding invitations for work. I think mainly because I don't want to have a wedding personally, I'd much rather elope and save the money to buy acreage and build a house. But deadlines call, and you have to find inspiration somewhere so...

Inspiration comes from:
1. Lamp designs from Pratt students featured in Dwell magazine
2. The topographical chart in the old version of "Battleship"
3. The memory of my friend's quick, laid back wedding on the beach in San Francisco (happy 1 year Gail + Nico)

I'm kind of hoping this design gets rejected so I can keep it for myself and turn it into a print... Silkscreened silver and white ink on some thick, cotton heavy, pukey-colored Arches Rives paper... maybe even stitch some of the topographical lines with Home Depot orange or cerulean blue thread… damn.

I just might do it anyway. Will that be the free giveaway print I've been promising for so long? Hmm...

still listening to: Choir of Young Believers